One evening in June 2016 the phone rang, it was my mentor Jim Jeffery calling to say that his brother in law and Littleriver kennel partner Doug Coldwell was trying to get a hold of me. I said “what’s up? I just got home from work” Jim said I think Doug better talk to you, he can explain.
I had just hung up the phone when Doug called and literally blew me away! In essence Doug told me he was retiring and would I be interested in taking his dogs. He told me he and his wife along with Jim & Deanna have been breeding the Littleriver Kennel Toller line since 1969 and after almost 50 years it was time for him to retire.
To say I was dumbstruck would be an understatement and for one of the very few times in my life I was at a loss for words. He told me to think it over and to come up to meet with him and see his dogs.
So on June 20 2016 I headed up to Blomidon to meet Doug and his dogs and we worked out what can only be described as a surreal plan. And a few short weeks later Littlerivers Jazzmin, Katie, Special K 'Karma', Dusty, and Ducker joined the ScotiaPride Toller family.
There is no way I could have done this without all the support I have received through this exciting but stressful process. To Paul my brother-in-law and Shawn who drove up to Doug’s place 2.5 hours away hauling a 16 foot trailer to dissemble and bring the chain link kennel runs home for me and re-assemble them here, my daughter Tara and Andrew who helped me bring the dogs home, my sister Jill for helping me settle the dogs into their new home, my carpenter Pat for all his amazing carpentry skills, Jeff Smith, heat pump/air conditioning, my brother-in-law Peter for all the excavator work needed to settle the 48 foot trailer onto my existing kennel, and Hubby & Russ for all the grunt work, Thank you!
To my mentors Jim and Deanna Jeffery Littleriver Kennel I will be eternally grateful for all you have done and continue to do for me.
And to Douglas Coldwell Littleriver Kennel for entrusting me with your dogs. A heartfelt thank you!