"The Little River Duck Dog"
Look at us now!
The Little River duck dog has been bred in Nova Scotia for more than 100 years.
From their roots along the french shore of Little River Harbour where they were 'just' a duck dog, this little red dog has quite a history.

The smallest of all retrievers, this purely Canadian breed was given it's Canadian Kennel Club designation as an official breed in 1945 and has gained world wide recognition with the CKC, AKC, UKC, KC, and FCI as the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever.

The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever is not just superior in the duck blind working tirelessly for the hunter, they are a strong excellent swimmer with great endurance, a natural born retriever both on land and from water and are happiest when working.
The Tolling Retriever is a very intelligent dog who is quick to learn and is easily trained. Tollers make not only a fine hunting companion they are a wonderful and loyal family pet.
Loving and playful, their ease of training and willingness to please makes them an excellent contender in conformation, obedience, field trials, tracking, fly ball and agility. These pleasing attributes are also helping them gain recognition as service dogs.

Farley, 4, a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, stands guard as part of Fernie’s four-canine avalanche rescue squad.
Fernie has the distinction of having had the only live avalanche rescue in Canada. Photo courtesy-Susan Pigg,Toronto Star
Toller’s are a medium-sized, powerful, compact, balanced, and well-muscled dog. They are highly intelligent with a high degree of agility, alertness, and determination.
They have great endurance are strong able swimmers, eager hunting companions and make great pets for active families.
Charged with insatiable retrieving instincts their natural unbridled enthusiasm and good nature the versatile Toller excels at many dog sports: obedience, rally-o agility, fly-ball, lure coursing, tracking, dockdogs to name a few and can easily go from the show ring to the field, and back again.
Tollers the versatile multi-sport dog!
This picture is on the Agility Community FB page
Lure Coursing
The spring 2013 NSDTR club (USA) quarterly magazine Quackers featured
Lure coursing champion Rainkist Aqueus Artful Alice RN CA CGC
Photograph supplied courtesy of owner Amanda Crane.
This picture was on the Alberta DockDogs FB Timeline
Therapy Dogs
All three of our girls Scarlett, Ruby & Ginger are Certified St. John Ambulance Therapy Dogs
In 1988 Canada Post issued this 37-cent stamp of the Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever.
One of five known breeds indigenous to Canada.

The Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever is one of four dogs in the in the 1997 Royal Canadian Mint
'Canada's Best Friends' series.
This sterling silver set honours the friendship and loyalty of four of Canada's favourite canine companions.

In 1995 the Nova Scotia legislature officially declared the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever the Provincial Dog of the Province of Nova Scotia
- the first and only breed to be awarded this distinction.
And in 2003, on July 1 (Canada Day), the breed was fully recognized by the American Kennel Club
a fitting salute to a True Canadian dog.
Your talent is a wondrous thing—unique in all the land.
- Dr. Seuss