Stories Told ...
and the Memories They Leave Behind...
“Long ago, it must be, I have a photograph.
Preserve your memories; they're all that's left you."...
-"Bookends," Simon & Garfunkel 1968
Ireceived this very interesting copy of an old tintype and the following note from Robert.
“I would pass this along to you. It is an old tintype photo that we found in our local antique store. I think somewhere between 1860 and 1900. It is hard to tell, but old none the less. Please feel free to share it on your Facebook page as I think many of your fans will enjoy it.”
Best Robert Run Run Studio Cornish, ME
Thank you Robert for taking the time to share, I have done a little research and this is what I found...
One hundred and twenty six years ago steamships connected Yarmouth NS to New England. We had a New York boat until the 1940’s and a Boston boat until 1958. This is how this Yarmouth Toller found its way from Yarmouth NS to New England over 100 years ago.
On February 1, 1887 The Yarmouth Steamship Company was incorporated and Yarmouth ships were found in every major port in the world. Through the 19th century Yarmouth was a major shipbuilding center at one point boasting more tonnage per capita than any other port in the world.
On May 2 in 1887 the steel-hull steamship SS Yarmouth, built in Glasgow, arrived in Yarmouth and made her maiden trip to Boston a few days later. By the summer of 1899 the SS Boston and the SS Yarmouth were making four return trips weekly between Yarmouth and Boston. She remained in service on the Yarmouth - Boston route for several years.

This picture was taken in Tusket NS (approximately 10km from LittleRiver) in 1910 .
Canada oldest Court House is in Tusket built in 1809.
Here is an amazing story told to me by Roland d’Entremont himself.
Excerpt from the book The Schooner Era and Harpoon Swordfishing by J.Donald Doucette
With permission-Thank You Ronald & Donald
This article was printed in the Canadian magazine Star Weekly
November 27, 1971 - By Charles Adams

Jim and Deanna Jeffery (here with Justine, 2) breed the Duck Tolling Retriever, Nova Scotia’s claim to fame in the dog world. With Ch Florette Jeffery of Overton “Flo” and Ch Red Russel of Jeffery “Red” Canada’s top toller in 1970
The dog that lures ducks to their doom
You’ve heard of pointers – dogs that locate a game bird and literally point it out to a hunter. You’ve heard of retrievers – dogs that will go fetch a downed bird from the farthest corner of the dampest swamp.
But now hear about the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever – a dog that lures ducks to their doom and then retrieves them into the bargain.
The wily toller plays his dirty trick in the most innocent fashion. He simply frisks around the near edge of a pond and makes like a silly puppy until he drives a distant flock of ducks out of their minds with curiosity. They swim over to quack and peck at him – then boom.
But 33-year-old Jim Jeffery of Wellington, N.S., who considers himself the country’s leading authority on the duck toller, says it is unique in another way as well. “The toller is the only truly Canadian dog.” He says, “It was developed in the Yarmouth area of western Nova Scotia in 1860 with breeding experiments by a man named James Allen.”
Jeffery says it’s been around almost as long as the other more popular retriever breeds the Labrador, Chesapeake and Golden. But although there are only 200 Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers in the whole country, he’s determined to have it recognized as Canada’s national dog – right up there beside the beaver and maple leaf.
According to Jeffery, toller breeding has never been influenced by any other country. “I know the name, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, is a pretty awkward mouthful.” Admits Jeffery, “But it is still a good name because it tells where the dog was developed and is a …”

Jim & Deanna Jeffery
CH Florette Jeffery of Overton ‘Flo’ Ch Red Russel of Jeffery ‘Red’ Chin-peek Wee Lady Susan ‘Taffey’
“These were the wonderful Tollers that started our breeding program in 1969.
Most Tollers in existence today will have at least one of these three Tollers in their pedigree.”
- Jim Jeffery, Littleriver Kennels
Jim Jeffery with Ch Florette Jeffery of Overton “Flo” 1971

I love hearing old hunting stories from back in the day.
Here are a few of my favourites as told to me by Ray Vickery of Yarmouth Nova Scotia. (Retired fisherman, duck hunter and dear friend)
“I don’t think there’s a better dog than the ‘Little River Gunnin Dog’ they just got it in em that’s what they are. I’ve had black Lab’s too but they can’t touch them Little River’s. My Corky for example you could take him all day then he’d go home and play with the kids.
One time I was hunting blue bills at the big pond down the back shore, an area about a mile long and a ½ mile wide. I put Corky out to toll below the little brook and I’d throw the stick over the brook and he’d jump over them Blue Bills and back over and didn’t pay any attention to them at all, just the stick. He was the best tollin dog ever; we got 32 blue bills that day.
Another time me and Corky was out hunting on the Short Leys Point Rd. and we tolled the same bunch of blue bills three times back to the same blind on one high water.
One time I tolled with Corky I’ll bet 2000 Blue Bills all in one bunch. They was a mile away and they came the minute I put the dog out. Now that was a day!
I remember Ol Percy Penny had a dog that he would have to tie in the blind when it got real cold because the dog would be full of ice and still tolling. Yup that was quite a dog, the minute Percy pulled that trigger he was out of there. Never quit.
Yup, those Little River Gunnin dogs are not just good hunting dogs there good kid’s dogs and just an all around good dog. There the best dogs there are."
-Ray Vickery